Dr. Kinyas Düşünmez Hair Transplant

DHI Hair Transplantation (Direct Hair Transplantation) Technique is a well-established technique, it does not require scars and incisions. The purpose of this technique is to minimize the time it takes for the grafts taken from the back of the head to be healthy and strong.


Hair follicles are taken from the donor area. No incision is made in the area where the hair is taken with the pen and it is transplanted to the needed area.


There is no area to be cut and transplanted in the area where the hair follicles will be taken, and no incision is made. This technique is the classic FUE technique. DHI makes the healing process faster overall.

The most important part of DHI is that the hair follicles are placed inside the scalp with painless special pen tips, and by minimizing the time that the hair follicles stay outside, they are healthier and have less downtime when left outside the body.


How will DHI be done?

Hair Analysis: First of all, our entire Hair team will use computer-assisted hair analysis by understanding your hair structure, quality, and potential for hair loss, and will decide how and how you should have the density of your donor hair done accordingly.

Removing the roots: Your hair will be cut to a certain length and prepared to design your front hairline. Thanks to local anesthesia, hair follicles are painlessly removed from the area, with the help of super-thin .1mm needles extracted one by one, the hair is kept in a solution to preserve the quality of the hair, then separated and classified into single pairs, triples and quadruplets.

Placement: With the help of the DHI Pen, we use a 1mm needle to transplant the hair one by one and place it in the desired areas at the desired angle and depth.


Natural results: After the hair follicles are located at the right angles and depths, the transplanted hair no longer sheds and grows continuously, resulting in 100% natural-looking results.


What is the difference between DHI and FUE?

In FUE method, there can be only 40-45 in 1cm², while DHI can have 110-120 in 1cm². FUE is a very bleeding, more invasive procedure, DHI hemorrhages are very rare because the roots are placed directly under the skin at right angles and are more invasive than FUE. It has a high success rate. Operation can be performed on both men and women without the need for a full haircut. If you do not have enough donor hair, you can use chest or facial hair as a backup. is kept. However, with DHI, the roots will be taken selectively to ensure maximum effectiveness. With FUE, there is always a chance that the hair will not be transplanted naturally. With the DHI procedure, hair follicles can be placed in the desired direction and hair close to perfect angles is taken. Another benefit of FUE transplantation to DHI, which may cause some of the hair to die, is less, which means that the healing begins earlier and the hair begins to grow earlier than normal. DHI uses disposable tools, so it may cost a little more than FUE. DHI uses 0.1mm needles so you don't feel any pain when the roots are placed. The recovery process of DHI transplantation is fast. You will wash your hair for 1 week and continue your social activities from where you left off.

What are the advantages of DHI?

DHI More hair follicles can be applied. More hair per square centimeter. Faster healing. No need to cut the hair. No scarring or trauma. Minimum bleeding. Low risk of infection as the roots are placed directly. Less tiring and more comfortable for the patient.Read More high survival rates. Not just a head transplant. Fine needles are used and hair looks more natural. If there is not enough donor hair. Hair can be transferred from other parts of the body.

DHI Transplant Recovery Process.

With DHI, recovery is faster and skin crusting is not long at all. After 5-6 days, the crusting ends. After 15-21 days, your hair will start to grow slowly and after shedding, your hair will become stronger and stronger. After 3 months, new hair will become visible. You can see that it closes between 60 and 0%. After 12 months, you will see that your hair is 99% complete and complete with all procedures.

Pre-operative recommendations

Do not take blood thinners such as aspirin a week before the surgery. Do not drink alcohol 3 days in advance. Tell your doctor about the drugs you have to use regularly. If you are using any vitamin E or multivitamin, you should not take it 1 day in advance. Have breakfast when you come for the operation. Do not cut your hair too short when you come to us. You can use a sports hat that can be adjusted from the back after the operation.

Post-operative recommendations

Do not hit the transplanted area for 7-10 days. Bandages should be removed 1 day after the operation. If done by us, washing will be started the next day, but if you are going to do it yourself, we recommend starting from day 2. We will show you how to wash your hair (wash once a day) must.7. After the next day, the crust will start to fall off. no crust should remain for the day, this may affect the healing process. 15 days, stay away from sports saunas, pool and sea +1. If the sun is very strong during the month, wear a hat. You can start using normal shampoo 10 days after the crust is poured.


How can I wash my hair after the operation?

If you are going to wash your hair on the 1st day after the operation, the bandage is removed. It is recommended to start washing for 2-3 days. Remove the lotion with lukewarm water and apply the provided shampoo to rinse the hair carefully (Scrubbing is ABSOLUTELY not recommended) Dry your hair with a warm or cold hair dryer (Not Too Hot) This wash is repeated once a day for 7-10 days. You can remove the day crust little by little, soften it by adding the lotion and press a little harder. 7-10 of the shell, as it may adversely affect the healing process. Severely spilling on days (up to 15)

Dr. Kinyas Düşünmez Frequently Asked Questions

Doctor Kinyas and his internationally experienced expert team are an expert organization in their field, which has successfully performed thousands of hair transplantation cases for many years to provide services related to hair transplantation and hair treatment methods. We provide our services in a full-fledged hospital with expert teams, in sterile and safe environments. We care about patient satisfaction with personalized planning and year-round follow-up. If our patients deem it necessary, they can access the process and result information and opinions of our patients who have had hair transplantation before, and they can find answers to their questions. We are waiting for you for a free hair examination at our Dr. Kinyas Hair Transplantation Center operating in Maltepe, Istanbul.

FUE and DHI techniques are widely used in hair transplantation, and according to the experience of the hair transplant doctor, it is possible to have natural and bushy hair with both techniques.

The number of grafts to be transplanted in a single session varies according to the donor area of the person and individual planning is made. If your donor area is sufficient, we can plant 6000 graft hair follicles in a single session.

It takes between 2 and 6 hours, depending on the size of the area to be transplanted,

Thanks to the needle-free local anesthesia gun used before local anesthesia in hair transplantation, the complaint of pain (pain) has been reduced to a minimum. After local anesthesia, there is no pain complaint during the operation.

The front line should be created according to the person's preference by paying attention to the person's face shape, forehead line and age; It should be agreed on a common point, taking into account the sufficiency of the open area and the donor.

Our clinic is located in Maltepe Medicalpark Hospital.
We work between 08:00 and 00:00.

Before hair transplantation, our assistants are contacted and photos of the areas with hair loss and donor areas are shared, and the suitability of the patient for hair transplantation is confirmed by the doctor. The patient, who does not have any health problems or is not allergic to local anesthesia, is asked to come with a shirt or a piece of clothing that can be easily put on and taken off, and to have breakfast. If the patient has alcohol, cigarette and similar addictions, it is requested to stop 1 week before the operation. If there is any health problem, you should talk to your doctor about it and the necessary treatment should be planned and the hair transplant operation should be done that way.

Hotel service and airport-to-hotel, hotel-to-airport VIP car transfer service are provided to our patients who come from abroad or come from outside the city within the country.

Hair transplantation is performed on patients of all ages whose hair loss has become permanent and who has a clear open area on the scalp.

After the hair transplantation, a guarantee certificate is issued and the results of the blood analysis performed before the hair transplantation operation are issued to the patient together with the hair transplantation operation note and given in the form of a file.

We apply hair transplantation, beard planting, eyebrow planting, mustache planting, scalp burns, wounds, surgical scars or hair transplantation treatment to permanent hair loss caused by diseases such as Alopecia areata, Lichen planopilaris, which cause permanent hair loss.

In hair transplantation, the hair taken from the donor area cannot grow again, since the roots to be taken from the donor area are taken from the root with micro punches by means of a micromotor, there is no new graft (root) growth in place of the extracted grafts (roots). Although there is a decrease in the donor density, the remaining roots allow the donor area to close easily and heal without a trace.

Hair should not be shaved before coming to the hair transplant operation, after the doctor's evaluation, the haircut is done in the clinic.

Patients who use anticoagulant or drugs that may cause hair loss should consult their doctor. Medications should be arranged before the operation.

Hair transplantation process 1st day planting day, First wash and control time on the 3rd day,
On the 10th day, it returns to normal with the application of scab removal and the root retention.At the end of the 1st month, there is a hair loss process, including the transplanted roots and the patient's own weak hair, if any, with shock shedding, and the shock period is completed on the 50th day. The regrowth of the hair starts on the 90th day and the process is completed by continuing for 1 year.

It is possible to have permanent and natural hair after hair transplantation, the success rate is over 90% with the special techniques we apply in our clinic.

If the roots are taken from the donor area, which has a non-shedding feature (the distance between the two ears), there is no shedding feature. Like our normal hair, there is shedding as much as the number of shedding per day, and it grows back into hair over time. Planted hair is permanent for life.

It is possible to close open areas by applying hair transplantation to permanent hair loss in female patients, as in male patients. With the DHI pen technique, known as the state-of-the-art technology, a window is opened on the nape, the hair in the areas with hair loss can be transplanted with pens between the hairs without shaving, and the empty areas can be closed very well with new hair.

The return time to work may vary according to the occupational groups of the patients who have had hair transplantation. Office workers can return to work on the 3rd day after the operation. Patient groups who have to wear helmets, caps etc. can return to work on the 10th day after hair transplantation.

In laser-assisted hair transplantation, before hair transplantation, thanks to the laser, the formation of veins in the scalp and the nourishment of the scalp increase. When the hair transplant is done on top of that, the nutrition of the hair follicles becomes better and the success rate of the hair follicles increases.

Unlike the fut technique, the FUE technique is applied by selecting the roots one by one with micromotor and micropunch without removing the skin in the form of strips from the donor area. It provides a greater chance of root collection from the donor area, and since the skin is not cut into strips, a permanent scar does not occur in the donor, and the complaints of numbness and pain are less.

FUE hair transplantation performed under sedation is in the form of preparing the patient for the procedure by applying local anesthesia during a superficial anesthetizing procedure for people who do not want to feel the minimal pain caused by local anesthesia and who have a phobia of needles. The patient under sedation does not have any complaints of pain. Before sedation, the patient must fast for at least 6 hours and not take any liquid. If the patient evaluated by the anesthesiologist is appropriate, local anesthesia is applied by applying sedation.

After hair transplantation, the complaint of pain is minimal. Pain can be easily controlled with painkillers for patients whose pain complaints are in the form of pain in the donor area.

In hair transplantation, grafts suitable for hair transplantation can be selected from the neck, chest, beard lower part and genital areas known as donors.

For patients who need a second session in hair transplantation, the second session should be applied 1 year after the first session.

The main reasons why Turkey is preferred for hair transplantation are its developed health infrastructure and the presence of well-trained health workers and doctors. In addition, Turkey's attractiveness in terms of tourism and shopping and the affordability of hair transplant prices can be counted among these.

In both FUE and DHI techniques in hair transplantation, the way of removing hair follicles is the same method: Roots are collected one by one from the donor area with micro punches via micro motor. Transplantation of hair follicles to open areas differs in FUE and DHI techniques. In the FUE technique, the roots to be planted are inflated with adrenaline tumescent (normal saline, ringer lactate) after local anesthesia of the planting area. Afterwards, micro holes as many as the number of roots to be planted are opened with sapphire or micro razors and the roots are placed into the canals manually with tools known as forceps. In the DHI pen technique, after the area to be transplanted is anesthetized with local anesthesia, the hair follicles are imposed by the assistants by means of special micro pens (CHOI pens) without any additional operation to the transplant area, and the doctor is transplanted into the gap areas one by one. DHI pen technique is also known as direct hair transplantation because it is transplanted without opening the canal. Since micro channels are opened in the FUE technique, the preparation of the planting area causes the planting time to prolong, the duration of the grafts to stay in the solution and shortens the life span. Due to the opening of channels and the absence of any preparation in the DHI pen technique, the planting time is shortened and the survival rate of the roots increases. In the FUE technique, the redness that develops due to the opening of the canal, long-lasting numbness, puffy skin healing is much less because micro needles are used in the DHI pen technique. In the DHI pen technique, hair transplantation results are more natural and more intense.

With the DHI pen technique, it is possible to plant directly between the hairs or on the front line without damaging the existing hair. In unshaven hair transplantation, only the area to be harvested is shaved.

The naturalness of the transplanted hair varies according to the knowledge and skill of the hair transplant team and the transplant technique.

After hair transplantation, hair shaving for the hair donor area can be done 2 weeks after plantig, the transplanted area can be shaved from the 1st month.

Platelet rich plasma is one of the supportive treatments in familial hair loss, which contributes to the formation of new vessels and the strengthening of hair that tends to weaken, thanks to the stem cell stimulating factors it contains.

PRP is a complex treatment that contains stem cell stimulating factors and many nutrients after the separation of our own blood in the centrifuge device. It has no side effects. Mesotherapy is a mixture treatment consisting of various drugs. They differ in terms of both treatment protocols and side effects, it is recommended to apply two treatments together in hair loss.

Prp in hair loss is a form of treatment that should be combined with other treatments, which has a reducing effect on hair loss.

It is the application of hair loss in the form of a protocol by combining various vitamins, minerals, etc. Mesotherapy is an important form of treatment that is frequently applied in the treatment of hair loss together with Prp.

Hair laser treatment is one of the supportive treatments in hair loss. It is an important form of supportive treatment applied in the form of sessions in addition to pop mesotherapy.

Yes, because organic hair transplantation is the hair transplantation process that is applied with various techniques with our own stem cells without any external support in hair transplantation. Prp is one of them.

Prp is a treatment applied by taking an average of 10 cc of blood, more blood can be taken and applied according to the size of the scalp.

Prp is a natural form of treatment applied by separating our own blood, in which no substances are added from the outside.

There is an application procedure of Prp for a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 6 months in 1 year, with 1 session per month.

Prp and mesotherapy can be applied at the same time in the same session.

It is recommended to apply prp after laser application.

If the hair in the donor area is not enough, the procedure cannot be performed. You will be notified if this is the case during the free consultation.

"No, we do not have an agreement with health insurance institutions for the services offered in our clinic."
Ecem Hn.
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