DHI Hair Transplantation DHI Hair Transplantation
DHI Hair Transplantation

He has performed the hair transplantation of more than 6000 patients from many countries of the world since 2013 with the DHI Pen technique, which is the latest technology and the best technique in the world, and has personally taken part in the development of the New DHI Pen technique and the learning and experience of hundreds of assistant healthcare professionals.

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DHI Hair Transplantation - Kopya(Yeni) DHI Hair Transplantation - Kopya(Yeni)
DHI Hair Transplantation - Kopya(Yeni)

He has performed the hair transplantation of more than 6000 patients from many countries of the world since 2013 with the DHI Pen technique, which is the latest technology and the best technique in the world, and has personally taken part in the development of the New DHI Pen technique and the learning and experience of hundreds of assistant healthcare professionals.

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Dr. Kinyas Düşünmez
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Dr. Kinyas Düşünmez
Hair Transplant

New Hair, new look and new life! Let us get your dream hair back so you can look in the mirror and say hello to your new you!

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  • Lifetime Warranty
    Lifetime Warranty
  • Accommodation in 5 Star Hotel
    Accommodation in 5 Star Hotel
  • 24/7 service
    24/7 service
  • VIP Transportation Service
    VIP Transportation Service
Hair Transplant

Our services

Accommodation in 5 Star Hotel
Accommodation in 5 Star Hotel
  • Accommodati̇on İn 5 Star Hotel
  • Vıp Accommodati̇on
  • Transfer From Ai̇rport To Hotel
  • Transfer From Hotel To Hospi̇tal
  • Transfer From Hotel To Ai̇rport
  • 10 Daıly Care Set
  • Extensıve Blood Assay
  • 1 Prp (Plasma)
  • Medıcal Drugs After Surgery
  • Hat, Aırbag, Foreıgn Bandage
  • 24/7 Onlıne Contact
  • Paınless Local Anesthesıa
Dr. Kinyas Düşünmez Get to Know Closer
He has performed the hair transplantation of more than 6000 patients from many countries of the world since 2013 with the DHI Pen technique, which is the latest technology and the best technique in the world, and has personally taken part in the development of the New DHI Pen technique and the learning and experience of hundreds of assistant healthcare professionals.
What We Do ! Us in Numbers
  • Yıllık Deneyim
    7+ Yıllık Deneyim
  • Saç Ekimi
    3.500+ Saç Ekimi
  • DHI Saç Ekimi
    3.000+ DHI Saç Ekimi
  • Sakal Ekimi
    500+ Sakal Ekimi
Dr. Kinyas Düşünmez Application Stages

You can make transactions with peace of mind by reading our application steps below. Dr. No More Thinking About Your Hair Transplantation With Kinyas

1 - Meeting
Please Contact Us
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2 - Operation
Saç Ekim Günü
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3 - First Wash
3rd Day After Operation First Washing Day
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4 - Follow-up
10th day - scab fall off day
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Dr. Kinyas Düşünmez

Frequently Asked Questions

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Doctor Kinyas and his internationally experienced expert team are an expert organization in their field, which has successfully performed thousands of hair transplantation cases for many years to provide services related to hair transplantation and hair treatment methods. We provide our services in a full-fledged hospital with expert teams, in sterile and safe environments. We care about patient satisfaction with personalized planning and year-round follow-up. If our patients deem it necessary, they can access the process and result information and opinions of our patients who have had hair transplantation before, and they can find answers to their questions. We are waiting for you for a free hair examination at our Dr. Kinyas Hair Transplantation Center operating in Maltepe, Istanbul.

FUE and DHI techniques are widely used in hair transplantation, and according to the experience of the hair transplant doctor, it is possible to have natural and bushy hair with both techniques.

The number of grafts to be transplanted in a single session varies according to the donor area of the person and individual planning is made. If your donor area is sufficient, we can plant 6000 graft hair follicles in a single session.

It takes between 2 and 6 hours, depending on the size of the area to be transplanted,

Thanks to the needle-free local anesthesia gun used before local anesthesia in hair transplantation, the complaint of pain (pain) has been reduced to a minimum. After local anesthesia, there is no pain complaint during the operation.
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Dr. Kinyas Düşünmez

Patient Experiences

Wellington Streetcar
Wellington Streetcar
Top estou muito satisfeito super recomendo
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Allmena Center
Allmena Center Bonjour Je félicite le Dr Kinyas et son équipe de leur travail professionnel, je suis super content de mes résultats je conseille vivement les gens de faire chez lui
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Ibo Can
Ibo Can
Je voulais partager mon expérience du greffe avec Dr Kinyas vraiment fasciné au début par la professionnalisme et le discipline le docteur et son équipe super serviables, j'ai pas senti des douleurs et l'opération passé rapidement grâce et ses attractivités j'oublie pas aussi l'accueil chaleureux et leur organisation, maintenant ça fait 8 mois je suis trop satisfait du mes résultats C plus mieux à mes attentes je conseille tous le monde de faire chez le Dr Kinyas.
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Gabriel Marcolino
Gabriel Marcolino
Excellent place to get a hair transplant surgery. The hospitality was very good and I am more than happy with my surgery. I am truly happy with the money I spent, it was very much worth it.
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Marco Colonia
Marco Colonia
Ich habe letzte Woche meine geheimratsecken entfernen lassen.
Dr. Kinyas hat sich viel Zeit genommen mir alles genau zu erklären. Und war auch vor sowie nach der Operation jederzeit ansprechbar.
Im Preis inbegriffen war ein privat Transfer vom Flughafen und zurück.
Das von Dr. Kinyas ausgewählte Hotel war sehr gut, 5 minuten zu Fuß von der Praxis entfernt.
Am Tag der Operation trafen wir uns mit Dr. Kinyas im Café des Krankenhauses, frühstückten gemeinsam und gingen dann in seine Praxis wo ich sein Team kennen lernte.
Das gesamte Team machte auf mich einen sehr freundlichen und professionellen Eindruck.
Lediglich die Betäubungs Injektionen waren etwas schmerzhaft, danach spürte ich überhaupt keinen Schmerz mehr. Nach ca. 3 Stunden waren 4000 Haarwurzeln aus meinem Hinterkopf entnommen.
Nach einer Pause in der ich Mittagessen konnte wurden die Haare dann vorne wieder eingesetzt. Was wiederum ca. 3 Stunden dauerte. Auch das war follig schmerzfrei.
Alles in allem kann ich eine Empfehlung aussprechen. Die vorher nachher Bilder auf der Instagram Seite von Dr. Kinyas sprechen für sich.
Ich freue mich schon wenn ich in ein paar Monaten das gesamte Ergebnis bei mir sehen kann.
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Fuzuli Rustamov
Fuzuli Rustamov
Selamlar her kese, hocam Kinyas beye ve onun ekibine, cok təşəkkür edirəm, her şey icin.
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Gökhan Balta
Gökhan Balta
Öncelikle herkese merhabalar ben Gökhan almanyada kölnde yasiyorum yaklasik 5 yildir saç ön hat ve tepemde seyreklik vardi drkinyas beyi instagramdan takip ediyorum dhi kalem teknigiyle ekimlerini yapiyor ben de karar verdim Türkiyeye drkinyas beye gittim otel transfer asistanlik hizmetleri vs herseyi Paket program olarak satin aldim op.oncesi soyledigi herseyi fazlasiyla yerine getirdi bizzat kendisi bütün op. sürecimi yönetti suan 1.yilimi tamamladik hemen hemen her ay birbirimizle süreç ile ilgili görüştük suan cok memnunum drkinyas beye ve ekibine çok teşekkür ederim.
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Arkadaşlar uzun zaman mavi su , şampuan vb. Ürün kullanmama rağmen saçlarımın ne çıkmasını sağlayabildim ne canlanmasını sağlayabildim ve saç ekimi yaptırmaya karar verdim. Uzun araştırmalarım sonucu 26 Ekim 2020 tarihinde antalyadan 2 arkadaş saç ektirmeye kinyas hocanın kliniğine geldik. Benim ön kısıma 3200 adet greft ekim yapıldı arkadaşımın ise tam tepe noktasına 3500 adet greft ekildi. Ekim yöntemi olarak son yöntem olarak bildiğimiz ve en önemlisi daha acısız olan DHİ yöntemi olarak yapılması en büyük etkendi. Saç ekimi öncesinde ve sonrasında sürekli asistanlar aracılığıyla bilgilendirildik ne yapmamız veya ne yapmamamız gerektiği gayet güzel anlatıldı.Şu anda hem benim hemde arkadaşımın çok memnun kaldığını belirtmek istiyorum.Ben saçlarımın doğal görünmesinden ve güzel bir ekim olmasından dolayı tekrardan Kinyas hocama ve ekibine çok teşekkür ederim .
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Dr. Kinyas Düşünmez

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