Hair Transplant

DHI CHOI Pen Technique is a hair transplantation method that was developed as a result of the inability of other techniques that emerged in the historical development of hair transplantation to meet the expectations sufficiently and is widely used today. DHI, in other words Direct Hair Implantation, got its name from the combination of the initials of direct hair transplantation.

DHI is a method in which the roots taken from the donor with manual punches or micromotors are directly transplanted using special pens for the patient who is administered local anesthesia, after the decision is made that the patient is suitable for hair transplantation. In DHI Pen Technique, pen-like apparatus is used. The diameters of the needles at the tip of the pens vary according to the characteristics of the donor area hair, whether it is thin or thick. Pens are available in various sizes from 0.6 to 1.1 diameters.

In the DHI Pen Technique, the maximum number of roots (grafts) transplanted in a single session depends on the expertise and experience of the team. When the DHI Pen Technique was first introduced, a maximum of 2000 grafts could be transplanted in a single session. Today, with the development of technology, more grafts can be planted. In the "modified" DHI Technique developed by Dr Kinyas, your hair transplantation is performed by a team of five people, including a doctor on the right and a doctor on the left, with at least three assistant health workers who do pencil alignment. Thus, it has become possible to plant up to 6000 grafts in a single session. In the DHI Pen Technique, planting with maximum root takes about six hours in one session. Since the waiting period of the roots in the external environment is shortened, the chances of the roots to survive increase. Therefore, the patient's hair transplant procedure is painless and comfortable.

DHI CHOI Pen Technique can be applied to patients of all ages who suffer from hair loss.

Who is suitible for the DHI CHOI Pen Technique?

With the DHI CHOI Pen Technique, it is possible to have a shaved or unshaven hair transplant in large or local areas with permanent hair loss problem or irreversible hair loss for any reason, to patients of all ages and genders.

What are the advantages of the DHI CHOI Method?

DHI CHOI Pen Technique aims to eliminate the disadvantages of all previous techniques. Some of the advantages of the DHI Technique can be counted as; shortening the hair transplantation period in hair transplantation, preventing complications such as redness, numbness, and necrosis that may occur in the area to be transplanted, and transplanting the 'weak' follicles outside the nape donor area in a sensitive way.

In FUE and FUT hair transplantation techniques, using extra time for channel opening during the hair transplantation process also prolongs the waiting time of the roots in the external environment, thus reducing the survival rate of the roots. In the DHI Pen Technique, on the other hand, since there is no channel opening prosedure in the hair transplantation process, the hair transplantation period is shortened and the survival rate of the roots increases.

Since the roots are made using pen implanters in hair transplantation, it has become possible to give the desired angle and direction to the transplanted roots. Therefore, hair growth has become natural. In this way, patients can direct their hair as they wish.

In the DHI CHOI Pen Technique, there is a chance of planting 80 to 100 roots in 1 cm2 area in the presence of sufficient grafts.

In FUE and FUT techniques, excessive bleeding while opening the canal during the hair transplantation process can cause the patient to experience blood pressure imbalance after the operation. In the DHI Pen Technique, bleeding is much less.

In FUE and FUT techniques, since the tissue is cut while the canal is opened, free nerve endings are damaged and redness in the tissue occurs due to the cut. In the DHI Pen Technique, numbness and redness are seen at a much lower level.

It has become possible to have denser hair with unshaven hair transplantation in people with long hair.

Disadvantages of DHI CHOI Pen Technique

Compared to other existing hair transplantation techniques, the disadvantage of the DHI CHOI technique is negligible. The primary disadvantage is the low number of living roots per 1 cm2 compared to normal human hair. Therefore, there are physiological disadvantages that allow the roots to be fed.

Ecem Hn.
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