Hair Transplant

Eyebrows are very effective in clarifying the expression and gaining dimension of the face.

With the development of aesthetic surgery, many treatment methods have been developed for people who are not satisfied with their eyebrows, who have sparse eyebrows or who do not have eyebrows due to accidents, burns or diseases. One of these methods, eyebrow transplantation, allows the eyebrows to become much thicker and shaped.

When it comes to eyebrows, even though cosmetic methods and eyebrow care methods make the eyebrows thick and shaped, these methods are not completely permanent. Therefore, these methods have to be repeated every day or at certain intervals. These eyebrow care methods, which have to be repeated frequently in the hustle and bustle of daily life, take a lot of time and are a financial burden. Eyebrow transplantation, on the other hand, is a better alternative to other methods in terms of determining the correct eyebrow structure with the help of a specialist doctor and achieving the desired appearance of people who want eyebrow transplantation.

Eyebrow transplantation is performed with the DHI Pen Technique, just like hair transplantation. First of all, as in hair transplantation, hair follicles (grafts) are taken from the donor area -usually the nape area is chosen as the donor area- and kept in a special solution to prevent any root loss. Afterwards, the grafts taken are planted one by one in the direction of the determined angle and shape. Eyebrow transplantation is one of the most accurate methods for people who want a permanent and natural look.

Since the eyebrows are one of the most important parts of the face, transplantation should be done by specialist doctors and teams meticulously, taking into account the shape of the face and based on the patient's wishes. When the eyebrow transplantation operation is performed by non-specialists, there is a possibility of many complications. In addition, you are likely to encounter unwanted problems such as scars or permanent damage on your face.

Things to Consider After Eyebrow Transplantation

After eyebrow transplantation, slight redness and crusting are seen in the eyebrow area. One of the most important points to be considered after the eyebrow transplant operation is not to try to remove or pluck these crusts by hand.

On the first day after the eyebrow transplant operation, you should avoid contact with water and protect your forehead against impact. You should pay attention to your eyebrow planting area, as the transplanted eyebrows will be sensitive and tend to fall out in the first days of eyebrow transplantation. 

In the first days following your eyebrow transplantation, your eyebrows may be weak and poor, but the eyebrows will look thicker and natural over time. One of the most important points that patients who want to have eyebrow transplantation should know is that it will take a certain time for the eyebrow to take its full shape after eyebrow transplantation. After the eyebrow transplant operation, new eyebrows begin to grow within three months. Desired rich and natural eyebrows can be achieved within eight months. During this process, you should follow the instructions given by Dr. Kinyas and you should not neglect your eyebrow care.

Ecem Hn.
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