Patient Guide
Before hair transplant

Before hair transplant

In the first examination before hair transplantation, the drugs used by the patient are diagnosed and it is determined whether these drugs will prevent the transplantation. One week before hair transplantation, the patient should stop consuming alcohol and cigarettes. Alcohol and cigarettes affect blood flow at the vascular level due to the chemicals they contain; It prevents post-operative healing and the adaptation of the transplanted follicles and their proliferation.

Since there will be dressing and bandage on the neck after hair transplantation, it is recommended to choose a comfortable outfit that can be opened from the front. Patients who will prefer t-shirts should prefer a wide neck piece of clothing.

It is recommended that you stop consuming caffeine-containing beverages such as green tea and coffee one week before the hair transplant.

One week before the hair transplant operation, you should stop using anticoagulant drugs and vitamin pills because these drugs can cause an increase in bleeding while the hair transplant canal is opened.

One month before the operation, you should stop applying lotion to your scalp and hair, and you should not apply hair styling products such as gel and spray to your clean hair that you washed on the day of the operation.

Do not forget to have breakfast before coming to the hair transplant procedure. If your operation is in the afternoon, it would be beneficial to have a light lunch before your arrival.

Take care not to drive after hair transplantation.

 Before Operation

1 Week Before

Do Not Smoke

Do Not Drink Alcohol

Do not use Anticoagulant

Do Not Use Vitamins

Do Not Shave Your Hair


Operation Day

Make sure to have breakfast.

Wear Loose and Shirt-style Clothes

After Hair Transplantation

After Hair Transplantation

It is very important to protect the transplanted area for the first 15 days after the hair transplantation operation. In this process, the patient should lie on his back and the pillow should not touch the hair transplant area.

During the first 15 days, the transplanted area should be protected from accidents such as bump, impact, friction.

The first hair wash after the hair transplantation operation should be done by the expert team. Subsequent hair washes will be done by you as described by the doctor.

The patient who has had hair transplant operation should stay away from all kinds of physical activities and sports for the first 2 months.

Activities involving hot steam and hot water such as Turkish bath and sauna should not be performed for 1 month after hair transplantation.

Alcohol and cigarettes should not be used for the first 10 days after hair transplantation.

After the hair transplant procedure, the hair transplantation area should be protected from sunlight and rain.

All drugs to be used after hair transplantation should be used as described by the specialist doctor and his/her team who performed the hair transplantation.

Sexual intercourse is not recommended for the first 2 weeks after the hair transplantation.

The hair transplant area should not be shaved with a shaver for 3 months after the transplantation.

Suggestions of Dr Kinyas for your hair care after hair transplantation:

You should stick to the care routine we will give you, use the medicines in your prescription regularly, and sleep in a light sitting position for the 5 days following your hair transplant operation.

Ecem Hn.
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