Hair Transplant

It is possible to fill the lost beard and mustache areas with beard and mustache transplantation, and to bring the beard and mustache into the desired shape by increasing the number of hairs. Beard and mustache transplantation is a treatment method that occurs due to aesthetic concerns, as well as it can be preferred by patients due to hair loss as a result of events such as injuries and burns.

Beard and mustache transplantation is mostly performed using the FUE Technique (Follicular Unit Extraction). First of all, it is determined where the roots (graft) will be planted. In beard and mustache transplantation, the nape region is usually chosen as the donor area. However, individual hair removal can also be performed from the cheekbones, other bearded regions of the face or the neck area. The grafts taken are planted in accordance with the natural growth direction of the beard and mustache. Since the hair follicles are removed and transplanted without cutting the skin, there is no scar and pain. 

Beard and mustache transplantation is a treatment method that does not take long to give results when performed by a specialist doctor and his team. The process that the patients will experience after beard and mustache transplantation can be summarized as the shedding of all the beard and mustache hairs transplanted within a few weeks after the transplantation and the beginning of the transplanted beard and mustache from the fourth month. In the sixth month after the beard and mustache transplant operation, the patients will start to get clear results.

Things to Consider After Beard and Mustache Transplantation

The patient who has had beard and mustache transplantation operation should not wear clothes that cause friction and should not lie face down on the next day of the operation. On the first day, the patient should lie on his back.

After the operation, bandages should not be applied to the beard and mustache area. This is due to the fact that there is a possibility that the planted hairs will stick to the bandage and come out.

The patient who has had a beard and mustache transplant should not wash his face for the first 48 to 72 hours. The patient who has had a beard and mustache transplant should clean his face with the cleaning kit given by his doctor in case of infection. In the first face wash, the face should be washed with slow and soft hand movements in a patting style, not by rubbing.

The first shave after beard and mustache transplantation is recommended on the 12th day after beard and mustache transplantation. On the 12th day after the operation, the patient can shave the beard and mustache either with a shaver or with a razor.

Ecem Hn.
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